The home with a balcony

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Monday, 30 March 2015

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian living room

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian living room

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian balcony

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian balcony

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian bedroom

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian bedroom, styling

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian kitchen

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian kitchen

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian bathroom, white

A love for grey blog, Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian hallway
55 Kvadrat, Photography by Janne Olander

With Spring, IKEA Portugal has launched a campaign that instigates costumers to embrace and celebrate their balconies as opposed to enclosed them and make them a storage area - something that unfortunately is the norm here. At my home I do not have a balcony but if I had I would take inspiration from this beautiful space I found at 55 Kvadrat. I love all the different textures, colours and plants that make from this tiny balcony a glorious welcome to Spring. The rest of the house is pretty cool too specially the wishbone chairs in white. 
Com a chegada da Primavera, a IKEA lançou uma campanha designada "mais varandas, menos marquises" - coisa que infelizmente se tornou norma aqui em Portugal. Na minha casa não tenho a sorte de ter uma varanda mas se tivesse iria retirar muita inspiração desta casa que encontrei no site 55 Kvadrat. Adoro as várias texturas, cores e plantas que fazem desta pequena varanda uma gloriosa saudação de boas-vindas à Primavera. O resto da casa é muito bonita e despretensiosa e gosto especialmente das cadeiras wishbone em branco.  

The white home with a blue sofa

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Friday, 27 March 2015

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white kitchen, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white kitchen, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white kitchen, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white kitchen, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white kitchen, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white living room, blue sofa, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white living room, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white bedroom, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian white home office, aloveforgrey blog

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian bathroom, marble, aloveforgrey blog

I am loving this fabulous white home especially the all white kitchen. Even the tap is white. I really like the pop of colour from the blue sofa. Such an awesome and cool space. Have a good weekend. 
Estou a adorar esta fabulosa casa branca, especialmente a cozinha em branco integral. Até a torneira é branca. Gosto muito do apontamento de cor introduzido pelo sofá azul. Um espaço bonito e "cool". Tenham um bom fim-de-semana. 

Green is the colour

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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Scandinavian Living Room, Scandinavian Interior design

Scandinavian Living Room, Scandinavian Interior design

Scandinavian Living Room, Scandinavian Interior design

Scandinavian Living Room, Scandinavian Interior design, Flowers

Scandinavian kitchen, Scandinavian Interior design

Scandinavian design, Scandinavian Interior design

Scandinavian Kitchen, Scandinavian Interior design

Scandinavian Living Room, Scandinavian Interior design, Flowers
Fantastic Frank, Styling by Emma Wallmen and Photography by Jessica Silversaga 

I am loving the simplicity and beauty of this living room and kitchen of a small swedish home for sale at Fantastic Frank. The plants and flowers are the heroes of this home and are present even in the smallest details like the cups or the wall art. The kitchen poster is the Garden Tree Poster by Fine Little Day. I am not sure about the cups but for something similar see this one from House of Rym. 
Estou a adorar a simplicidade e beleza desta sala e cozinha de uma pequena casa na Suécia (à venda no site Fantastic Frank). As plantas e flores são o tema central da decoração desta casa e estão presentes até nos mais pequenos pormenores como nas chávenas ou quadros. O poster da cozinha é o  Garden Tree Poster da Fine Little Day. Quanto às chávenas, não tenho a certeza mas, para algo semelhante, vejam estas da House of Rym.

A white and grey home

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Monday, 23 March 2015

Stadshem, Photography by Jonas Berg

Last week I shared a home tour in pink and grey and this week I am loving this white and several shades of grey home. It feels calm, light and airy. Some special items I really like: the Linnmon/Lerberg desk by IKEA, the DLM table by Hay, the Invisible poster by Paper Colective, the G poster by Playtype and the E27 pendant by Muuto. 
A semana passada partilhei aqui no blog uma casa em tons rosa e cinzento e esta semana estou a adorar esta casa em branco e cinzento. Transmite uma sensação de calma, luminosidade e espaço. Algumas peças que eu gosto muito e reconheço: a secretária Linnmon/Lerberg da IKEA, a mesa auxiliar DLM da Hay, o Invisible poster da Paper Colective, o G poster da Playtype e o candeeiro E27 da Muuto. 

Pink & grey home


Friday, 20 March 2015

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian living room

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian living room

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian living room

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian living room

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian living room

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian bedroom

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian kitchen

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian bedroom

Scandinavian interior design, Scandinavian  bedroom

I am loving this beautiful home in pink and grey tones. I specially like the copper and brass details.  For more photos of this house for sale, check here.
Estou a adorar esta casa em tons cinzentos e rosa. Gosto especialmente dos detalhes em dourado e cobre. Podem ver mais fotos desta casa, que está para venda, aqui.

Saana ja Olli

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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Scandinavian interior design

Scandinavian interior design

Scandinavian interior design

Scandinavian interior design

Scandinavian interior design

Scandinavian interior design

Scandinavian interior design
Saana Ja Olli, Photography by Unto Rautio

Beautiful products (and pictures) from Finnish home accessories brand Saana ja Olli. I am in love with the nature inspired patterns and colours. How I wish there would be a retailer holding this brand in Portugal. Luckily they have an online store and ship worldwide. For more photos go to Saana ja Olli.
Produtos (e fotos) lindíssimos da marca Finlandesa Saana ja Olli. Adoro as cores e padrões inspirados na natureza. Quem dera que algum distribuidor aqui em Portugal apostasse nesta marca. Felizmente existe uma loja online. Para mais fotos e inspiração vejam o site Saana ja Olli.
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